Summer 2023 CyberCity Tulsa Educator Workshops
For Elementary (Pre-K through Sixth Grade) Educators
The multi-year CyberCity Tulsa Initiative, a partnership between The University of Tulsa and The George Kaiser Family Foundation, seeks to infuse cyber education in every school and classroom in the Tulsa metropolitan area. Supporting educators and their implementation of the Oklahoma Computer Science Standards is fundamental part of this initiative. We hope to energize a generation of cyber-savvy tinkerers and innovators by equipping teachers with educational tools and cyber skills.
CyberCity Workshop Class
All elementary school teachers are invited to apply. There are no computer science or coding prerequisites. Applications from interdisciplinary teams of 2 to 4 from the same school are encouraged. Those teachers who participate fully in the 35 hour hands-on workshop will receive a stipend of $700 in addition to some of the technology used in the workshop.
Session 1
June 12 through June 23
Mornings Only: 8:30-12:00 PM
Maximum Participant Count: 36
Session 2
June 12 through June 23
Afternoons Only: 1:00-4:30 PM
Maximum Participant Count: 36
Workshops will NOT meet on Monday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth.
Workshop Content
Two CyberCity Tulsa Educator Workshops will be conducted during the summer of 2023 to stimulate and enhance curricular and extra-curricular cyber activities in elementary schools. The half-day workshops will prepare Pre-K to 6 grade educators to impart cyber security learning experiences through grade-appropriate, standards-based activities. Workshop activities will include content lessons, hands-on laboratories, cooperative games and competitions in a variety of classroom settings.
- Robots: Robot setup and configuration, programming (block coding and Python), and debugging.
- 3-D Printing: Configuration, design and printing.
- Cyber Security Topics: Basic concepts, cryptography, cyber ethics and cyber bullying, online safety, cyber threats and risks.
- Oklahoma Computer Science Standards: Examination of the standards, lesson plan creation and preparation for required implementation during the 2024-2025 school year.
These workshops are held on the campus of The University of Tulsa. Participants will need to bring a laptop and have the ability to download software tools. Participants are expected to engage in workshop activities and create lesson plans as part of the workshop.
To apply for the 2023 CyberCity Tulsa Educator Workshop, please click on the link below:
Summer 2023 CyberCity Tulsa Educator Workshop Application
For additional information, please contact Professor Kimberly Adams (, Professor Janica Edmonds ( and Professor William Coberly (