
Multi-Functional Energy Storage Lab-1

Multi-Functional Energy Storage Lab-2

Multi-Functional Energy Storage Lab is equipped with different characterization instruments for electrochemical and mechanical properties. The list of available instruments is:

Solartron SI 1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer

Solartron SI 1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer with a 1296 interface: It is an EIS tester that can go very low in frequency (10 µHz) and can achieve some of the highest impedance values in the industry with the 1296 interface (100 TOhm). This capability allows us to measure highly resistant materials like solids, which is beneficial for our research on solid electrodes and solid electrolytes. The computer it is interfaced with has ZView installed, enabling you to fit collected data to equivalent circuits. This device is able to perform DC potentiotstatic and galvanostatic experiments with 1287A Electrochemical Interface.

Temp-Controlled Environmental Chamber, 16-Channels MACCOR

Experience precise temperature control with the Temp-Controlled Environmental Chamber, 16-Channels MACCOR, ideal for a temperature range of -20°C to 120°C.

Cryogenic Chamber

Cryogenic Chamber with a temperature range from -20°C to -120°C

2 MACCOR Battery Cycling Systems (Models 4300)

This MACCOR Model 4300 Battery system is interfaced with the PAR Potentiostat and can be used for both battery cycling and cyclic voltammetry automatically. The Model 4300 can be configured with 8-current range channels, which have a current control range of 300 ηA from to 5 A. These multi-current range channels can be configured for voltage ranges of -2V to +8V, 0V to +5V, or 0V to +10V as standard. The accuracy for current and voltage on these channels is ± 0.02% FSR. Alternately, the system can be configured with single current range channels, which can be configured for higher voltages and currents. The single current range channels have a current accuracy of ± 0.05% FSR and a voltage accuracy of ± 0.02% FSR.”         

PARSTAT 4000A Potentiostat Galvanostat

PARSTAT 4000A Potentiostat Galvanostat is interfaced with the MACCOR battery cycler so that cycling and cyclic voltammetry can be automatically done on a system.       

Keithley 6430 Sub-Femtoamp Remote Source Meter

It is a very sensitive meter that will read and provide sub-fentoamp currents.  We used this to charge and discharge nanobatteries that had 200nm electrodes. It can be used for 0.4fA p-p (4E – 16A) noise (typical), PreAmp can be located at the signal source to minimize cable noise >1016Ω input resistance on voltage measurements. Fast characterization of components with programmable digital I/O and interfaces.  

CH 660E electrochemical analyzer/workstation and impedance system

Model 660E is an advanced electrochemical workstation and has special specifications: Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV), Staircase Voltammetry (SCV), Tafel Plot (TAFEL), Chronoamperometry (CA), Chronocoulometry (CC), Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV), Differential Normal Pulse Voltammetry (DNPV), Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV), AC Voltammetry (ACV), 2nd Harmonic AC Voltammetry (SHACV),  Fourier Transform AC Voltammetry (FTACV), Amperometric i-t Curve (i-t), Differential Pulse Amperometry (DPA), Double Differential Pulse Amperometry (DDPA), Triple Pulse Amperometry (TPA), Integrated Pulse Amperometric Detection (IPAD), Bulk Electrolysis with Coulometry (BE), Hydrodynamic Modulation Voltammetry (HMV), Sweep-Step Functions (SSF), Multi-Potential Steps (STEP), AC Impedance (IMP), Impedance – Time (IMPT), Impedance – Potential (IMPE), Chronopotentiometry (CP), Chronopotentiometry with Current Ramp (CPCR), Multi-Current Steps (ISTEP), Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA), Electrochemical Noise Measurement (ECN), Open Circuit Potential – Time (OCPT), Galvanostat, RDE control (0-10V output), Full version of CV simulation and fitting program, Limited version of CV simulation and fitting program, Impedance simulation and fitting program, iR Compensation, External Potential Input, Auxiliary Signal Measurement Channel     

Electrospinning system

NFES-100 is a bench-top Laboratory electrospinning system for producing Nanofiber membrane with diameters of nanofiber from 20-1000 nm.  

Glove Box System with Refrigerator & Cold Trap

The Vigor Glove Box with Freezer and Cryogenic Storage Box is an advanced and versatile laboratory equipment designed to facilitate precise and controlled experimental work in environments that require low temperatures and airtight isolation. This glove box has an Integrated Freezer and a Cryogenic Storage Box. 

Tensile tester

The Instron Tensile Tester 5543 is a highly materials testing system, capable of performing tension, compression, and flexural tests across a wide range of materials. It offers customizable load capacities, adjustable test speeds, and precise load measurement, ensuring reliable and compliant results for various industries.

Fume hood

This filtered fume hood can filter most acids, bases, and solvents

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

The Bruker Dimension DI 3100 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is an advanced nanoscale imaging and measurement instrument. This AFM system is equipped with high-resolution imaging capabilities, customizable scanning modes, and versatile sample handling. 

MTI Corporation GSL-1700X Series Tube Furnace

Maximum temperature: 1700 degrees Celsius
Heating zone: 15 cm
Tube length: 100 cm
Tube diameter: 10 cm

Hydraulic Hot-Press 

Maximum temperature: 500 degrees Celsius
Pressure: 30 Ton

Electric hot rolling

Maximum temperature: 100 degrees Celsius

Mini Tape Casting Coater

Can be used under Ar gas glove-box
Safe to use without NRTL certification
30W max power
Built-in pushing bar for using micrometer adjustable applicator
A fixed-thickness film applicator with the various thickness (50,100,150,200μm) for immediate use
Max. coating width of the standard film applicator is 80 mm
A waste plate for extra slurry

Compact vacuum mixer

Power: 150W
Rotary Speed: 320 rpm
Slurry Viscosity: <10000 cps
Built-in single-stage vacuum pump
Vacuum Level: -0.08~0.09 Mpa

Hydraulic Crimper

Crimping Die for CR2032, CR2025, and CR2016
Max. 8 metric Tons of hydraulic pump with automatic pressure relief
Effective piston area: 11.34 cm^2

Natural Convection OvenDX402

Operating temp. range:     Room temp.+5~300℃
Temp. control accuracy:   ±1℃(at 300℃)

Bath Sonicator

Capacity: 5 Lit
Frequency output: 42 kHz
Ultrasonic cleaner with timer, and heater



Weighing Balance

Weighing Balance-I
Capacity: 120 g
Readability: 0.01 mg
Stabilization time: 4 seconds
Display: 2 line LCD with backlight
Weighing Balance-II
Capacity: 1000 g
Readability: 0.1 mg
Stabilization time: 4 seconds
Display: 2 line LCD with backlight