Undergraduate Psychology Department Awards

  • Emma Stacy – Outstanding Senior (Fall 2024)
  • Taylor Evans – Fab Five Award (Fall 2024)
  • Hannah Bullington – Fab Five Award (Fall 2024)
  • Thomas Doan – Fab Five Award (Fall 2024)
  • Alex McCorkle – Fab Five Award (Fall 2024)
  • Glen White – Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award (Fall 2024)
  • Phoebe Robinson – Fab Five Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Research, Outstanding Psychology Senior (Fall 2023)

Dissertation Completion

  • Student (year)

Bellwether Recipients

**Discontinued in 2021**

  • Kathryn Packell (2011-2012)
  • Kimberly Wilson (2011-2012)
  • Sydnie Cunningham (2017-2018)
  • Sylvia Luu (2018-2019)
  • Bret Arnold (2019-2020)

Student Research Grants

  • Miriam Hanisch (2024-2025)
    • Title: Religiosity, Learning, and Prosociality Study
    • $500
  • Jalynne Gonzalez (2024-2025)
    • Title: Inclusion and Allyship Experiences in a Student and Applied Sample
    • $1000
  • Bret Arnold (Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
    • Title: A Cross Cultural Exploration of  Emotional Labor and Burnout in Nurses
    • $1000
  • Sydnie Cunningham (2017)
    • Title: Examining the Relationship between Socialization, Inclusion, and Person-Organization Fit
    • $2000
  • Amber Wright (TURC Scholar) (Summer 2016-Spring 2017)
    • Title: Procrastination and Social Loafing in Teams
    • $3000
    • Tulsa Undergraduate Research Challenge grants undergraduates a stipend to work on research over the summer. This project focused on how social loafing and procrastination affect performance.
  • Sylvia Luu (Fall 2017)
    • Title: Refining the Conceptualization and Measurement of Motivational Traits
    • $1000
  • Kathryn Packell (2011-2012)
    • Title: The Role of Boundary Tactics in Work-Nonwork Interface
    • $500
  • Kimberly Wilson (2011-2012)
    • Title: Self-Regulated Learning Strategies as a Function of Teamwork-Taskwork Proximity
    • $500

Sample Publications

* denotes a Graduate Student

** denotes an Undergraduate Student

*Luu, S., & Narayan, A. (2017). Games at work: Examining a model of team effectiveness in an interdependent gaming task. Computers and Human Behavior, 77,110-120.

*Wilson, K. S., & Narayan, A. (2016). Relationships among individual Task Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Use, and Academic Performance in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environment. Educational Psychology, 36(2), 236-353.

*Hannam, K., & Narayan, A. (2015). Intrinsic motivation, organizational justice, and creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 27(2), 214-224.

*Simonet, D., Narayan, A., & *Nelson, C. (2015). A social-cognitive moderated mediated model of psychological safety on psychological empowerment. Journal of PsychologyApplied and Interdisciplinary, 149(8), 1-28.

Steele-Johnson, D., Narayan, A., Delgado, K., & Cole, P. A.  (2010). Effects of pre-training influences on static and dynamic change phases.  Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 46(2), 245-274.

Narayan, A. & Steele-Johnson, D.  (2007). Relationships between prior experience of training, gender, goal orientation, and training attitudes.  International Journal of Training and Development3(11), 166 -180.

*Cunningham, S., *Simonet, D., *Fonseca, R., & Narayan A. (Under review). The factor structure of procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences.

*Simonet, D., Narayan, A., Kobezak, H. M., *Fonseca, R., *Luu, S., *Cunningham, S., Attar, A., & Pena, C. (2017). Who is empowered? A dispositional basis to psychological empowerment. Manuscript under review



*Gonzalez, J., Davis, N., & Narayan, A. (2025). Unpacking Inclusion: Lived Experiences of Belongingness and Uniqueness [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.

  • Abstract: We elicited experiences of inclusive experiences by individuals with minority intersectional identities, focusing on the satisfaction of need for belongingness and uniqueness. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather interpersonal dynamics and contexts in which participants experienced satisfaction of these needs. Different contextual experiences satisfied needs uniquely. Experience of interdependence satisfied need for belongingness, psychological safety satisfied need for uniqueness, and positive recognition satisfied both needs.

**Bullington, H., **McCorkle, A., & Narayan, A. (2025). Team Member Experiences in Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Teams Over Time [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.

  • Abstract: We analyzed individuals’ responses in respect to their teams’ dynamics within homogeneous and heterogeneous teams during an interdependent task. Participants in homogeneous teams had higher reports of psychological safety but showed fluctuations in role clarity and experiential learning. Participants in heterogeneous teams, while experiencing lower psychological safety, demonstrated stable role clarity, and peaked earlier in experiential learning. These results emphasize the complexity of team dynamics over time and team gender composition in team dynamics.

*Gonzalez, J., Wentling, A., *Robinson, P., *Hanisch, M., Osborn, S., Narayan, A. (2025). Team Learning Behaviors Across Time in Novel, Interdependent Teams [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States. 

  • Abstract: Six team learning behaviors were used to identify patterns of team learning through qualitative analysis of team communication during a short term, interdependent, immersive team task with novel elements in different task trials. Qualitative data analysis of micro-behaviors in team interactions captured by team member communication enabled an understanding of finer patterns of team learning behaviors as they occur over time. Results display dynamic patterns in sharing and boundary crossing behaviors learning over time across action and transition phases of teamwork.

*Boggs, J.N., *Royes, J. & Narayan, A. (2021) Relationship Between Team Task Efficacy, Shared Mental Models and Team Performance [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • Abstract: High initial team task efficacy can increase the likelihood of better team performance; authors explored the role of different SMMs to help understand team cognitions that can help explain this relationship, especially in a highly interdependent task. Teams more confident in task abilities when starting the task developed SMMs focused on team dynamics, which led to effective team performance.

*Boggs, J.N. & Narayan, A. (2021) Gossip as a Tool to Gain Social Power: An Empirical Test [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • Abstract: Positive gossip is more often used by individuals to gain higher levels of referent, expert, and reward power, whereas negative gossip is primarily being used to gain coercive power. Both positive and negative gossip were positively related to attempted gains in legitimate power. Although negative gossip is generally related to power, positive gossip is also used to gain social power.

*Arnold, B.. & Narayan, A. (2021) Communication Satisfaction and Nurse Burnout: The Dominance of Personal Feedback [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • Abstract: Relative dominance analysis was used to delineate the relationships of 7 communication satisfaction subdimensions and burnout in a sample of nurses. In terms of ability to predict nurse burnout symptoms, personal feedback held absolute dominance over all subdimensions. Implications and analysis are discussed.

*Arnold, B.. & Narayan, A. (2021) Linking Electronic Health Records to Provider Motivation Through Job Design [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • Abstract: Research continues to show that patient interactions help providers find meaning in their work. However, EHR implementation has changed day-to-day work life of many providers by altering patient–provider interactions. Here, authors propose an interdisciplinary model to help explain how EHR disrupts the motivational architecture of healthcare work even as it improves quality care delivery.

*Royes, J. & Narayan, A. (2021) Actual and Perceived Compositional Diversity: The Impact on Team Viability [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • Abstract: Specificity in defining diversity is necessary to examine how diversity impacts team-level outcomes. This paper examines how actual and perceived diversity influence team viability. Results indicate that a team’s perception of their power distribution negatively predicted team viability.

*Ozkum, S.B., Lin, M.  & Narayan, A. (2020) Measurement Invariance in Burnout: A Multicultural Study [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States.

  • Abstract: This study investigated the measurement invariance of Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) across samples from 2 countries. 272 students from Malaysia and 383 students from US answered the English version of the scale. Results partially supported the equivalence of burnout measurement for both samples. These findings suggest that SMBM is a valid instrument of burnout across countries.

*Arnold, B., *Borden, C. P., *Schutt, E., & Narayan, A. (2020, April). Coping Styles and Burnout in American Nurses [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States.

  • Abstract: The study explored the predictive relationships of avoidance, problem reappraisal, and active problem solving as coping strategies of job-related burnout in a sample of American, hospital-based nurses (N=244). Results indicated that, after controlling for affectivity, only avoidance coping strategies were predictive (β = .25, p <.001), though other styles predicted sub-facets of burnout syndrome.

*Arnold, B, & Narayan, A. (2020, April).  Coping Styles and Burnout in American Nurses [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

  • Abstract: This study examined the relationship of emotional exhaustion to emotional labor, autonomy, and communication satisfaction in an American and Indian sample using a moderated regression analysis. Results showed some predictors to be consistent and others different across samples. This study also addressed the cross-cultural benefits of autonomy and differences in emotional labor between cultures.

*Ayres, T.B., Ragsdale, J.M., & Narayan, A. (2020, April).  Trajectories of Daily Work-Break Relaxation Experiences Across the Workweek [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

  • Abstract: Authors examined if relaxation experiences during a work-break followed a predictable pattern over the work week. Daily and stable factors were included as potential moderators of the trajectory. Relaxation experiences followed an inverted U-shaped trend, peaking on Wednesday. Employee burnout was the only factor to moderate the positive linear trend of relaxation experiences during the week.

*Boggs, J., *Royes, J., & Narayan, A. (2020, April). Relationships Between Team Personality, Task Motivation, and Knowledge Sharing [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

  • Abstract: Authors examined relationships between team level Big 5 personality traits and task-specific motivation with team knowledge sharing. Findings suggest openness to experience and task motivation are significant predictors of knowledge sharing at team level. Interestingly, task-specific motivation contributed more to the variance in team knowledge sharing than average team openness to experience.

*Cunningham, S., *Dahl, J., & Narayan, A. (2019, April). Examining the Relationship Among Socialization, Inclusion, and P-O Fit [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, National Harbor, DC.

  • Abstract: Authors proposed a series of serial mediations in which the indirect effect via inclusion and P–O fit would explain the relationships between socialization and various workplace outcomes. Results show that perceptions of inclusion explain most of the variance in the socialization–outcomes relationships and that inclusion and P–O fit are both useful in explaining knowledge sharing.

*Ayres, T.B., *Royes, J. & Narayan, A. (2019, April). Dyadic Effects of Stress on Task Workload and Teamwork Quality [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, National Harbor, DC.

  • Abstract: This study examines the effects of stress within team members during a creative interdependent task. Through the actor-partner-interdependence model, the effects of stress on workload and emergent state of teamwork quality are measured. Actor and partners effects were found for perceived workload, while only actor effects were found for teamwork quality.

*Mol, S. & Narayan, A. (2019, April). Theoretical Refinement of Motivational Trait Constructs [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, National Harbor, DC.

  • Abstract: Prior research and measures of motivational traits have demonstrated conceptual and empirical overlap with each other. This study proposes a theoretical reduction and reframing of key, stable motivation constructs. The aim of the proposed theoretical structure is to propel future research in motivation by providing a cleaner framework for thinking about, and measuring, motivational traits.

*Arnold, B., *Dickie, N.M., & Narayan, A. (2019, April). How Personally Held Values Shape Emotional Expressions in American Nurses [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, National Harbor, DC.

  • Abstract: Previous research has explored how cultural norms and hospital protocol can affect emotional labor tactics for nurses. However, the direct impact of individually held values is less understood, despite links of individualism and collectivism to other job-related behaviors. This study of American nurses explores how individually held values predict on-the-job emotional labor tactics.

*Royes, J., *Diep, A. T., & Narayan, A. (2018, April). Intrinsic Motivation, Training Reactions, Learning, and Motivation to Transfer [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Abstract: The effects of intrinsic motivation, reactions to training, and learning on motivation to transfer training were examined using hierarchical regression analyses. Findings indicate intrinsic motivation and reactions to training predict motivation to transfer (R^2=.45), whereas learning did not predict it.

*Cunningham, S., *Fonseca, R., Simonet, D.V., & Narayan, A. (2018, April). Exploring the Factorial Structure of Three Procrastination Scales [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Abstract: This study examined the factor structure of 3 widely used procrastination scales through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The 3 factors that emerged and were confirmed focused on different types of procrastination: starting a task, finishing a task, and making a decision.

*Mol, S. & Narayan, A. (2018, April). Multilevel Predictors of Satisfaction in Team Gaming Tasks [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Abstract: The authors examined relationships among intrinsic game motivation, communication skills, collective-efficacy, and satisfaction in a team gaming context. Results indicated that game motivation was unrelated to satisfaction, but communication skills and collective-efficacy had significant main effects and an interactive effect on team member satisfaction.

*Luu, S., **Thomas, C. J., **Boggs, J., & Narayan, A. (2017, April). Games at work: Predictors of team performance in interdependent games. Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Florida.

**Youngren, W., *Cunningham, S., & Narayan, A. (2015, April). Relationships between personality, sleep quality, psychological safety, and perceived workload. Poster session presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

*Packell, K., Narayan, A., & *Hrabal, E. (2012, April). Exploring Emotional Labor, Work-Family Interference, and Burnout in Nursing. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, 2012.


*Arnold, B (2017, April). Contextualizing Nurse Burnout: Individual, Organizational, and Cultural Factors. Oral presentation at the University of Tulsa Annual Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK. Honorable Mention.

*Luu, S., & Narayan, A. (2017, March). Team predictors of performance in interdependent games. Oral Presentation at The University of Tulsa’s 20th Annual Student Research Colloquium in Tulsa, OK.

*Royes, J. (March 2017). An Evaluation of the Global Community Staff Development Training Initiative. Paper to be presented at the 20th Annual Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

*Luu, S., & Narayan, A. (2016). Predictors of intrinsic motivation in dyads: A multilevel analysis. Oral Presentation at The University of Tulsa’s 19th Annual Student Research Colloquium in Tulsa, OK.

*Luu, S., & Narayan, A. (2015). Examining the relationships between self-efficacy, teamwork quality, and intrinsic motivation. Oral Presentation at The University of Tulsa’s 18th Annual Student Research Colloquium in Tulsa, OK.

*Cunningham, S. (2015, April). The role of values in student interactions and school engagement. Oral presentation at The University of Tulsa’s 19th Annual Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

*Cunningham, S. (2014, April). A values based approach to diversity training. Oral presentation at The University of Tulsa’s 18th Annual Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

**Daer, J., **Reddy, S., & Narayan, A. (2011, November). Organizational Culture Assessment using Appreciative Inquiry Method in a Non-Profit Religious Organization. Poster presented at the Oklahoma Psychological Association Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma. [3rd prize in the undergraduate poster competition]

**Daer, J., **Reddy, S., & Narayan, A. (2012, March). Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny: An evaluation of organizational culture. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Student Research Colloquium and the 86th Annual AAAS-SWARM Conference, Tulsa, OK.

*Mitchell, M., *Hrabal, E., & Narayan, A. (2012, March). The influence of personality and communication climate on burnout in two countries. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Student Research Colloquium and the 86th Annual AAAS-SWARM Conference, Tulsa, OK. [Honorary Mention, 15th Annual OU-Tulsa Research Day]

*Wilson, S. K., & Narayan, A. (2012, March). Differential use of self-regulated learning strategies: Differences between high and low achievers. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Student Research Colloquium and the 86th Annual AAAS-SWARM Conference, Tulsa, OK.

**Reddy, S., *Wilson, S. K., & Narayan, A. (2011, November). Self-regulated learning in a collaborative environment. Poster presented at the Oklahoma Psychological Association Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma. [2nd prize in the undergraduate poster competition]

*Wilson, S. K., & Narayan, A. (2011, November). Evaluation of a position in a non-profit organization: Employee attitudes and monetary indicators of effectiveness. Poster presented at the Oklahoma Psychological Association Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

* denotes a Graduate Student
** denotes an Undergraduate Student