Seminars Announced for 2024-25
The Teachers Institute for Tulsa is thrilled to announce our seminar lineup for the 2024-25 academic year…
- Virtual Seminar ShowcaseWebinar is scheduled for September 17th, 5p-6p. Register here. Join us for a virtual webinar on the 2024-25 seminars at the Teachers Institute for Tulsa (TIFT). Participating TU faculty will preview the seminars offered this upcoming year and answer questions from the audience. Presentations will include: In TIFT, seminars are discussion-based and/or interactive courses for…Continue Reading Virtual Seminar Showcase
- Former Fellow RoundtableTo attend the virtual roundtable, follow this link. On Tuesday, September 10th, from 5p-6p, TIFT will host a virtual roundtable discussion with former fellows in the program. The goal of this conversation is to show what the TIFT program looks like from the eyes of educators who have participated—both their experience as a TIFT fellow…Continue Reading Former Fellow Roundtable
- TIFT Applications Open for 2024-25The Teachers Institute for Tulsa (TIFT) has officially opened its applications for the 2024-25 academic year. Applications opened on August 27th and will close on September 30th. The Program TIFT is an organization that develops teacher content knowledge and strengthens their ability to develop lesson plans and larger curriculum units. The program is modeled after…Continue Reading TIFT Applications Open for 2024-25
- TIFT Application Release CelebrationEvent to be held at 101 E. Archer on August 27, 5p-7p. Register here. The Teachers Institute for Tulsa (TIFT) is thrilled to host our annual application release party! Our aim for this event is to provide a space in which TPS teachers can learn more about the TIFT program and how it benefits participating…Continue Reading TIFT Application Release Celebration
- TIFT Seminars AnnouncedThe Teachers Institute for Tulsa is thrilled to announce the lineup of seminars for the 2024-25 academic year. While covering each core academic subject, our seminars range in topics from the science of energy to the biological anthropology, monsters in American history to the craft and impact of poetry. Our aim is to give participating…Continue Reading TIFT Seminars Announced