One of the signature aspects of the Teachers Institute for Tulsa is the creation and dissemination of the curriculum units. Our curriculum units follow a flexible structure that emphasizes the big ideas undergirding curricula. We encourage Fellows to cover the following topics in their units: Unit Content, Teaching Strategies, Classroom Activities, and other Resources, such as classroom materials and reading lists. Rather than list day-to-day lessons, our units discuss in-depth the Unit Content our teachers determined to be most relevant and urgent for their specific teaching situation. In a similar vein, the Teaching Strategies and Classroom Activities sections communicate big ideas about how each teacher envisions their unit playing out in the classroom. Staying true to the TIFT mission, these units are not intended to be prescriptive curricula. Teachers who use and reference TIFT curriculum units will see the thinking and research that goes into a TIFT Fellowship. It’s this long-form, in-depth approach to curriculum that we see as most useful and beneficial for teachers.
Follow the links below to view curriculum units created by teachers who were national Fellows at the Yale National Initiative: