An approach to teaching the Inca Empire: Quipus and other cultural manifestations

Using engaging teaching strategies such as Jigsaw, Gallery Walk and KWL (Know-Want-Learned), this unit explores some specific topics about the Incas: Machu Picchu, the location where they lived; what their religion was and their gods; quipus, a particular system to gather data; and generally, about their daily life……Continue Reading An approach to teaching the Inca Empire: Quipus and other cultural manifestations

Timelines in Art and History: The Rise and Fall of Central and South American Empires

In this unit I will introduce my high school art students to the Spanish Conquistadors and their conquest of the east coast of modern-day Mexico and Central America through science, art, writing, and history.  There is a vast amount of land and many different civilizations in this history, so I will focus on some basic pieces along the timeline between 1428 when the Aztec Empire was formed and 1572 when the last Inca Empire was defeated by the Spanish, thus “ending all resistance to the Spanish colonization in South America”……Continue Reading Timelines in Art and History: The Rise and Fall of Central and South American Empires