Papers, Talks, and Symposia

*Bold names are TRAPT current and past students.


Pruiksma, K. E., Tyler, H., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Price, W. A., Campbell, R. L., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Peterson, A. L., Young-McCaughan, S., Davis, J., Balliett, N., Gehrman, P., Harb, G., Miller, K., Ross, R., Friedlander, J., Brim, W., & LoSavio, S. (2023, October 17-18). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares (CBT-N): Development of a consensus manual and web-based training. Eighth Annual Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States. 


Whitney-Snel, K., Davis, J. L. (2022). Examining rape survivor narratives and decision to report: A comparative thematic analysis. Oral presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, Georgia.


Paquet, C. B. (2021, June). Language use in posttraumatic nightmares. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Virtual.


Cogan, C. M. & Davis, J. L. (2020, November). Examining PTSD symptom clusters and the interpersonal theory of suicide in Veterans: Potential implications for treatment. Oral presentation to be conducted at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual.

Lee, J. Y.Cogan, C. M.Paquet, C. B., & Davis, J. L. (2020, April). The impact of resilience on insomnia and suicide. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Portland, OR.

Cogan, C. M.Lee, J. Y.Paquet, C. B., & Davis, J. L. (2020, April). Post-trauma nightmares and the interpersonal theory of suicide in a Veteran sample. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Portland, OR


Cogan, C. M., Scholl, J. A., Cole, H. E., Davis, J. L. (2019, November). Community resilience as a moderator of the relationship between stressors, trauma, and suicide risk in a transgender sample. Oral presentation to be conducted at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.


Andrew, S. J., Cogan, C. M., & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). The consequences of drug-facilitated/incapacitated rape: A unique threat to mental health? In C. M. Cogan (Chair), The state of TU-nion: An examination of sexual assault and interpersonal violence at The University of Tulsa. Symposium conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK

Cogan, C. M. & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). A brief overview of the campus climate survey and executive summary. In C. M. Cogan (Chair), The state of TU-nion: An examination of sexual assault and interpersonal violence at The University of Tulsa. Symposium conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Cole, H. E., Scholl, J. A., & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). Treatment preference for trauma-related symptoms: Preliminary results. Oral presentation conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

LaPlant, J., Lee, J. Y., & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). A correlational study of sexual assault, institutional betrayal, and gender related experiences. In *C. M. Cogan (Chair), The state of TU-nion: An examination of sexual assault and interpersonal violence at The University of Tulsa. Special topic symposium conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Lee, J. Y & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). Examining the role of institutional betrayal among victims of intimate partner violence. Oral presentation conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Phillips, S. L., Cogan, C. M., & Davis, J. L. (2018, April). An exploration of the relationship between sexual assault prevention programming at the University of Tulsa and student perception of campus response to sexual violence. In C. M. Cogan (Chair), The state of TU-nion: An examination of sexual assault and interpersonal violence at The University of Tulsa. Symposium conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.


Cole, H.E., Micol, R.L, & Davis, J.L. (2017, March). An Exploration of Treatment Preference for Trauma-related Symptoms. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Cogan, C.M., Davis, J.L., Cranston, C.C., & Pruiksma, K.E. (2017, March). Dose-response theory in a brief psychotherapy for post-trauma nightmares: Does session frequency matter? Oral presentation conducted at the annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, Ok.

Johnson, S., Micol, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (2017, March). PTSD Trajectories: A Comparison of Intentional and Unintentional Trauma. Oral presentation presented at the annual Student Research Colloquium, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.


Hancock, K.N., & Davis, J.L. (2015, April). Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence: a call for informed programming. In *J. Steward (Chair). Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Strategies to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Wichita, KS.

Micol, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (2015, April). Campus sexual assault prevention: Effective education to reduce violence. In J. Steward (Chair). Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Strategies to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Wichita, KS.

Scholl, J.A. & Davis, J.L. (2015, April). A Consensual Definition of Sexual Assault: Prevalence, Causes and Consequences. In J. Steward (Chair). Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Strategies to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Wichita, KS.

Steward, J.M., Micol, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (2015, April). The role of legislation in response to sexual violence on college campuses. In J. Steward (Chair). Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Strategies to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Wichita, KS.


Micol, R.L. & Newman, E. (December, 2014). Military Sexual Trauma. In J. Steward & A. Carter (Chairs). Underexplored Territories in Trauma Education: Charting Frontiers for Clinicians and Researchers. One-day trauma conference held at the University of Tulsa. The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Cromer, L.C., Scholl, J.A. & Davis, J.L. (August, 2014). Cognitive behavior therapy for treating trauma-related nightmares in children. In J.A. Scholl (Chair). Treating Trauma-Related Nightmares and Insomnia in Children, Adults, and Special Populations. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Micol, R.M., Pruiksma, K.E., & Cranston, C.C. (August, 2014). A preliminary dismantling study of Exposure, Relaxation, & Rescripting Therapy (ERRT) in Adults. In J. Scholl (Chair). Treating Trauma-related nightmares and insomnia in children, adults, and special populations. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Miller, K. E., Davis, J. L., Balliett, N. E. (August, 2014).Nightmare treatment in special populations.In J. Scholl (Chair). Treating Trauma-related Nightmares and Insomnia in Children, Adults, and Special Populations. Symposium conducted at the 122nd annual American Psychological Association conference, Washington, D.C.

Scholl, J.A. (August, 2014). Treating Trauma-Related Nightmares and Insomnia in Children, Adults, and Special Populations. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Steward, J. M., Vasquez, L., Scholl, J., Cranston, C. C., Miller, K. E. & Micol, R. L. (August, 2014). A different night terror: The impact of trauma related nightmares. In J.Scholl (Chair). Treating Trauma-Related Nightmares and Insomnia in Children, Adults, and Special Populations. Symposium conducted at the 122nd annual American Psychological Association conference, Washington, D.C.

Micol, R.M., Pruiksma, K.E., &Cranston, C.C. (April, 2014). Treating Adults with Trauma-Related Nightmares: A preliminary dismantling study of Exposure, Relaxation, & Rescripting Therapy (ERRT). In J. Scholl (Chair). Treating things that go bump in the night: Trauma-related sleep problems. Symposium conducted at the annual Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Miller, K.E., Davis, J. L., Balliett, N. E.(April, 2014). Efficacy of treating sleep and nightmares in veterans. In J. Scholl (Chair). Treating things that go bump in the night: Trauma-related sleep problems. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Scholl, J.A., Cromer, L.C., & Davis, J.L. (April, 2014). Treating Children with Trauma-Related Nightmares. In J.A. Scholl (Chair). Treating things that go bump in the night: Trauma-related sleep problems. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Scholl, J.A. (April, 2014). Treating things that go bump in the night: Trauma-related sleep problems. (Chair). Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

Steward, J. M., Vasquez, L., Scholl, J., Cranston, C. C. Miller, K. E. & Micol, R. L. (April, 2014). A different night terror: The impact of trauma related nightmares. In J. Scholl (Chair). Treating things that go bump in the night: Trauma-related sleep problems. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.


Micol, R.M., Pruiksma, K.E., Cranston, C.C., & Davis, J. L. (April, 2013). Treatment outcome between exposure, relaxation, & rescripting therapy (ERRT) with an active control treatment. In A. Calkins (Chair). Working Towards an Effective Treatment for Trauma-Related Nightmares. Symposium conducted at the 16th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK. (Presentation within symposium was awarded 3rd place for a colloquium-wide research competition).

Miller, K.E., Davis, J. L., & Balliett, N.E. (April, 2013). Nightmare treatment and locus of control in veterans. In A. Calkins (Chair). Working Towards an Effective Treatment for Trauma-Related Nightmares. Symposium conducted at the 16th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK. *Presentation was awarded 3rd place for a colloquium-wide research competition.


Luke, L.V., Miller, K. E., Scholl, J., Hancock, K., Steward, J. & Davis, J. L. (November, 2012). Evaluating predictors of sleep change following treatment in trauma exposed individuals with chronic nightmares. Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Convention, Oklahoma City, OK. *Presentation selected for one of two undergraduate student oral presentations.

Davis, J.L., Miller, K. E., & Balliett, N.E. (October, 2012). Sweet Dreams: Treating Sleep Problems in Veterans. Presentation to Lutheran Veterans Initiative, Tulsa, OK.

Newman, E., Davis, J. L., & Miller, K. E. (September, 2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder primer: The basics of PTSD assessment and conceptualization. Workshop presented as part of Oklahoma Community Readiness Training for Military Trauma, Tulsa, OK.

Davis, J.L., & Cranston, C.C. (April, 2012). Treating chronic nightmares in trauma-exposed persons. Workshop presented at the 10th annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK. *CE Credit Workshop

Miller, K. E., Bell, K., Davis, J. L., & Newman, E. (April, 2012). Mitigating the effects of sexual assault: Effectiveness study with Tulsa’s sexual assault nurse examiners. In K. Miller (Chair) From the Community to the Lab and Back Again. Symposium conducted at the 15th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium with the 86th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science-SWARM, Tulsa, OK.

Miller, K. E. (April, 2012). Cultural context and interpersonal violence in Ghana. In Center for Global Education (Chair). Symposium conducted at the 15th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium with the 86th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science-SWARM, Tulsa, OK. *Presentation was awarded an honorable mention for a colloquium-wide research competition.

Swopes, R.M., Scholl, J.A., Pitman, L., & Davis, J.L. (2012, April). Examination of a treatment for substance abuse and trauma in incarcerated women. In K. Miller (Chair) From the Community to the Lab and Back Again. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the 15th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 86th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science Regional Conference, Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, Tulsa, OK.

Swopes, R.M., Scholl, J.A., & Davis, J.L. (February, 2012,). Substance abuse and trauma in incarcerated women. Invited presentation given at the Chemical Dependency Seminar series. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Davis, J.L., Newman, E., & Cranston, C.C. (November, 2011). Ethical considerations when working with victims of trauma. Invited workshop presented to the Northeastern Oklahoma Counselor’s Association, Woodward, OK.

Miller, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Swopes, R. M., Balliett, N., Siebenmorgen, M., Davis, J. L., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2011, April). Perceived social support and psychological outcome following sexual assault. Invited presentation to Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc., Tulsa, O K .

Swopes, R.M., Davis, J.L., & Scholl, J. (March, 2011). Characteristics of incarcerated women: Trauma, substance use, and related distress and cognitions. In N. Balliett (Chair) Gender and violence in Oklahoma: The impact of trauma across multiple domains. Symposium conducted at the 14th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Miller, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Swopes, R. M., Balliett, N., Siebenmorgen, M., Davis, J. L., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2011, March). Perceived social support and psychological outcome following sexual assault. In N. Balliett (Chair) Gender and violence in Oklahoma: The impact of trauma across multiple domains. Symposium conducted at the 14th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, O K . Award: Honorable Mention.


Davis, J., & Balliett, N. (August, 2010). Treatment for Chronic Nightmares in Trauma Exposed Persons: From Case Study to Randomized Clinical Trial. Invited talk given at the Jack C. Montgomery Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tulsa and Muskogee, OK.

Iski, M., Campbell, A., Lucci, L., & Swopes, R. M. (2010, June). How can abusive men change? Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Tulsa, OK.

Balliett, N., Davis, J., Siebenmorgen, M., & Newman, E. (March, 2010). Rape Attributions among Sexual Assault Survivors. In R. Swopes (Chair), Posttraumatic Symptoms, Substance Use, and Aggression in Trauma-Exposed Populations. Symposium conducted at the 13th Annual Student Research Colloquium. The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (Presentation was awarded an honorable mention for a colloquium-wide research competition.)

Siebenmorgen, M., Swopes, R. M., Davis, J. L., & Bell, K. (2010, March). Initial distress and psychological outcome following sexual assault: A longitudinal study. In R. Swopes (Chair) Posttraumatic symptoms, substance use, and aggression in trauma-exposed populations. Symposium conducted at the 13th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Jaffe, A., Swopes, R. M., Simonet, D., Tett, R., Davis, J. L., Lucci, L., et al. (2010, March). PTSD, emotional intelligence, and aggression in intimate partner violence. In R. Swopes (Chair) Posttraumatic symptoms, substance use, and aggression in trauma-exposed populations. Symposium conducted at the 13th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Swopes, R. M. (2010, March). Posttraumatic symptoms, substance use, and aggression in trauma-exposed populations. (Chair). Symposium conducted at the 13th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.


Balliett, N., & Newman, E. (December, 2009). Consequences of Military Sexual Trauma. Paper presented at the Treatment, Assessment, and Concepts from Traumatic Stress and PTSD Conference, The University of Tulsa, OK.

Avant, E. M., Davis, J. L., Rhudy, J. L., Williams, A. E., McCabe, K. M., Bartley, E. J., Byrd, P. M., & Pruiksma, K. E. (2009). Physiological reactions before and after nightmare treatment among trauma-exposed persons. In Trauma-related nightmares: Characteristics, treatments, and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the 12th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science Regional Conference, Southwestern Division, Tulsa, OK.

Avant, E. M., Davis, J. L., Lee, R. S., & Pruiskma, K. E. (2009). Nightmare characteristics among persons exposed to no trauma, interpersonal, non-interpersonal traumas. Paper to be presented to the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Pruiksma, K.E., Davis, J.L., Rhudy, J.L., Avant, E.M., Byrd, P.M., & Griesenauer, D. (2009). Influence of PTSD and depression on sleep outcome in treatment for trauma-related nightmares. To be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Avant, E.M., Wiedeman, R.L., Rosen, G.M., Brady, R.E., Lohr, J.M., & Davis, J.L. (November, 2009). Nightmare activity, anxiety, and affect among individuals with and without phobias: Implications for the PTSD construct. Paper to be presented at the annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Balliett, N. (November, 2009). Sexual Assault at the University of Tulsa. Invited talk given at Take Back the Night, Tulsa, OK.

Swopes, R. M., Davis, J. L., Siebenmorgen, M., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2009, November). The Role of Nightmares in PTSD: Intercorrelations of Distress Following Sexual Assault. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Davis J.L., Pruiksma K., Cranston C., Wiedeman, R.L., Swopes R., Balliet N., Siebenmorgen M., & Avant, E. (September, 2009). The assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Invited workshop presented to Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital, Tulsa, OK.

Balliett, N., & Davis, J. L. (2009, September). SANE Satisfaction Results. Invited talk given for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners to review findings of empirical satisfaction survey results, Tulsa, OK.

Avant, E, M., Finn, J., & Berry, J. O. (2009). Parental Stress Scale: Review of previous research and discussion of future development. Paper presented to the joint meeting of the 12th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science Regional Conference, Southwestern Division, Tulsa, OK.

Davis, J. L., Pruiksma, K. E., & Newman, E. (2009, July). Cognitive restructuring for traumatized adults. Invited address presented to Family and Children’s Services, Tulsa, OK.

Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L., Wright, D. C., & Byrd, P. M. (2009, April). Cognitive behavioral therapy for nightmares: Exposure, Relaxation and Rescripting Therapy. In R. Wiedeman (Chair), Trauma-related nightmares: Characteristics, treatment, and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of The American Association for the Advancement of Science 84th Annual Meeting. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Liles, B. D., Swopes, R. M., & Packell, K. M. (2009, March). Center for the community research & development: Bridging the gap between research and practice. In J. Delventura’s (chair) Citizenship & service in a changing world. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the 12th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science Regional Conference, Southwestern Division, Tulsa, OK.

Swopes, R. M., Davis, J. L., Byrd, P., Rhudy, J. L., & Wright, D. C. (2009, March). Nightmares following trauma: Characteristics and associated distress. In R. Wiedeman’s (chair) Trauma-related nightmares: Characteristics, treatments, and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the 12th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science Regional Conference, Southwestern Division, Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L., Avant, E.M., Rosen, G.M., Brady, R.E., Lohr, J.M., & Davis, J.L. (March, 2009). Nightmare activity among individuals with and without phobias: Implications for the PTSD construct. Paper presented at the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science-Southwest and Rocky Mountain (AAAS-SWARM) Regional Conference, Tulsa, OK.


Wiedeman, R.L., Elder, M., & Finn, J. (November, 2008). Stress management workshop. Talk presented for the Counseling and Psychological Services Center, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK Wiedeman, R. L. (October, 2008). Suicide prevalence, risk factors and prevention lecture. Talk presented for the Counseling and Psychological Services Center, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK

Avant, E. M., & Wiedeman, R. L. (April, 2008). Improving memory seminar. Talk presented for the Center for Student Academic Support, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L., & Avant, E. M. (March, 2008). Stress management seminar. Talk presented for the Center for Student Academic Support, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L., Davis, J.L., Pruiksma, K., Byrd, P.M., & Rhudy, J.L. (March, 2008). Self- reported health problems and sleep disturbances in trauma exposed, treatment seeking adults. In R. Wiedeman’s (chair) Trauma-related nightmares: Characteristics, treatments, and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the joint meeting of the 12th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium and the 84th annual American Association for the Advancement of Science-Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Conference (AAAS-SWARM), Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L., Davis, J.L., Ford, J.D., & Elhai, J. (March, 2008). Relationship between disaster mental health training and motivation, preparedness, and readiness for future disaster mental health deployments. Paper presented at the 11th annual Research Colloquium at the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.


Wiedeman, R.L. (November, 2007). Surviving finals week seminar. Talk presented for the Center for Student Academic Support, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK


Ledet, S., Byrd, P., & Step, P. (August, 2006). Improving Mental Health Services in Correctional Settings: A Research-Based Approach [Chair: Dr. Combs; Discussant Dr. Carolyn Ekenstem]. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.

Byrd, P.M., Davis, J.L., Wright, D.C., & Elihai, J.D. (April, 2006). Rape prevention programs: The possible effects on knowledge of rape myths, attitudes toward victims, and engagement in precautionary behaviors. Paper presented to the annual regional meeting of the American Academy of Sciences, Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L. (April, 2006). The relationship between demographic factors and acceptance of homosexuality among a community and college sample. Paper presented at the annual research symposium at Wartburg College, Waverly, IA.


Wiedeman, R.L. (April, 2005). Perceptions of music lyrics as a function of presentation context and ethnicity of evaluators. Paper presented at the annual research symposium at Wartburg College, Waverly, IA.



Pruiksma, K. E., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Tyler, H., Price, W., Campbell, R. L., Davis, J. L., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Young-McCaughan, S., LoSavio, S., Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2024, September 25-28). Dreaming Big: Launching a Web-Based Provider Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares [Poster session]. International Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Boston, MA, United States. 

Pruiksma, K. E., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Tyler, H., Price, W., Campbell, R. L., Davis, J. L., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Young-McCaughan, S., LoSavio, S., Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2024, August 26-29) Dreaming Big: Launching a Web-Based Provider Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares [Poster session]. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL, United States. 

Pruiksma, K. E., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Tyler, H., Price, W., Campbell, R. L., Davis, J. L., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Young-McCaughan, S., LoSavio, S., Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2024, June 1-5). Dreaming Big: Launching a Web-Based Provider Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares [Poster session]. Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Houston, TX, United States. 

Pruiksma, K. E., Miller, K., Davis, J. L., Taylor, J. R., Gehrman, P., Nadorff, M., Brim, W., Campbell, R. L., Tyler, H., Price, W., Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2024, June 1-5). Shining Light on Nightmare Treatment: Expert-Driven Strategies, Manual Development, and Recommendations for Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adults with Nightmares. [Poster session]. Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Houston, TX, United States. 


Robinson, M. D., Whitney-Snel, K., Verma, A., Beims-Ukens, L., Mather, C., & Davis, J. L. (2023, November 1-4). Exploring the use of language in sexual assault survivor narratives: Reported and non-reported samples [Poster presentation]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA, United States.  

Price, W. A., Campbell, R. L., Tyler, H., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch J. R., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Davis, J.L., LoSavio, S., Young-McCaughan, S., Peterson, A. L., & Pruiksma, K. E., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2023, October 17-18). Web-based provider training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares: Alpha tester reactions and satisfaction [Poster presentation]. Eighth Annual Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States. 

Campbell, R.L., Tyler, H., Price, W., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D.J., Dietch, J.R., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Davis, J.L., Peterson, A.L., Young-McCaughan, S., Pruiksma, K.E., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2023, October 17-18). Examination of learning through pre- and post-test module questions during web-based training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares [Poster presentation]. Eighth Annual Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States. 

Whitney-Snel, K., Villareal, L.D., Beims-Ukens, Hudson, M., & Davis, J.L. (2023). Exploring the mediating effect of PTSD on adverse childhood experiences and depression. Poster presented at the Annual Oklahoma Psychological Society Conference, Edmond, OK.  **1st Place Graduate Student Poster 

Premkumar, A., Beims-Ukens, L., & Davis, J.L. (2023, November 3-4). Lifestyle Factors and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity [Poster presentation]. Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK, United States. 

Schwenke, A., Crowley, M., Davis, J. L. (March, 2023). Nightmare frequency and intensity correlated with PTSD symptom clusters. Poster presented at the University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK, USA.


Pruiksma, K. E., Tyler, H., Wilkerson, A., Taylor, D. J., Dietch, J. R., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Price, W. A., Peterson, A. L., Young-McCaughan, S., Davis, J., Balliett, N., Gehrman, P., Harb, G., Miller, K., Nadorff, M., Ross, R., Friedlander, J., & Brim, W. for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2022, November 3-6). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares (CBT-N): Methodology for the development of a consensus treatment manual and a web-based provider training. Poster presentation at the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine 4th Annual Scientific Conference, Washington D.C., United States.

Paquet, C. B., Villareal, L. D.Beims-Ukens, L.Whitney-Snel, K., & Davis, J. L. (2022, June). Impact of cognitive behavioral therapy for post-trauma nightmares on sleep-efficiency: Examining sleep diary data. Poster presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Charlotte, NC, USA.


Cogan, C. M., Matarazzo, B. B. & Davis, J. L. (2021, November). Emotion regulation skills mediate the relationship between PTSD severity and interpersonal theory of suicide factors in Veterans. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual.

Paquet, C. B.Whitney-Snel, K., Davis, J. L. (2021, November). Towards a better understanding of how PTSD and sleep disturbances relate: Exploring possible mediators in a clinical sample. Poster presented for the 37th Annual Conference of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual.

Whitney-Snel, K.Paquet, C. B.Diamond, P., &Davis, J. L. (2021, November). Exploring the relationship between post-trauma nightmare themes and fear of sleep in a treatment seeking sample. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Conference of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual.


Andrew, S. J., Cogan, C. M., Scholl, J., & Davis, J. L. (2019, November). Nightmare severity as a unique predictor of suicide risk in a transgender sample. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

Crowley, M., Davis, J. L., Miller, K., & Balliett N. (2019, November). An exploration of how nightmares change from transcription to rescription in exposure relaxation and rescripting therapy in the veteran population. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Boston, MA, USA.

Lee, J. Y., Scholl, J. A., Cranston, C., & Davis, J. L. (2019, November). The impact of post-trauma nightmares on resilience. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

McDermott, T.J., Cogan, C.M., Paquet, C., Crowley, M., Lee., J., Pruiksma, K.E., Cranston, C.C., Rhudy, J.L., & Davis, J.L. (2019, November). Predictive value of co-morbid depression on treatment outcomes of Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy (ERRT) for individuals with PTSD and trauma-related nightmares. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Boston, MA, USA.

Meador, C. L., Lee, J. Y., Scholl, J. A., Cranston, C., & Davis, J. L. (2019, November). Comparing factors and experiences of posttraumatic growth in sexual and nonsexual trauma survivors. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA

Pickering, A., Paquet, C., & Davis, J.L. (2019, November). Factors predicting sexual assault reporting behavior in a midwestern hospital. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.


Bailey, A.B., Clausen, A.N., Lee, J. Y., Davis, J.L., & Micol, R.L. (2018, April). The effect of threat of violence on time to report rape. Poster at the Student Research Colloquium, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.


Cogan, C.M., Davis, J. L., Cranston, C. C., & Pruiksma, K. E. (2017, November). Examining the impact of session frequency on treatment outcomes in Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy (ERRT) for post-trauma nightmares. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Cogan, C.M., Lee, J. Y., Cranston, C. C., Pruiksma, K. E., Rhudy, J. L., & Davis, J. L. (2017, November). Suicidal ideation and nightmares: Does a brief psychotherapy for post-trauma nightmares reduce suicidal ideation? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Cole, H.E., Micol, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (2017, November). Time to Report Sexual Violence: Association with Victim, Perpetration, and Assault Characteristics. Poster presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Lee, J. Y., Cogan, C. M., Davis, J. L., Rhudy, J. L. (2017, November). Characteristics of chronic nightmares and subjective distress in a trauma-exposed sample: Do posttraumatic cognitions play a role? Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Micol, R.L. & Davis, J.L. (2017, November). Exploring preliminary data from a randomized control trial examining ordering effects of Cognitive-Processing Therapy (CPT) and Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy (ERRT). Poster at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies meeting, Chicago, IL.

Miller, K., Cranston, C., Pruiksma, K., & Davis, J.L. (November, 2017). The impact of suspected sleep apnea on cognitive-behavioral treatment for trauma-related nightmares.Poster presented for the 33rd annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL

Bailey, A.B., Clausen, A. N., Davis, J.L., & Micol, R.L. (2017, April). The effect of threat of violence on time to report rape. Poster submitted for consideration at the annual Student Research Colloquium, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Rubino, M.L., Cogan, C. M., Micol, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (2017, April). Does victim age impact time to report rape? Poster to be presented at the Annual University of Tulsa Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.


Scholl, J.A. Swopes, R.M. & Davis, J.L. (2016, November). Sexual Violence is a Public Health Concern: Considerations for International Students. Poster to be presented for the 32th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.

Cogan, C. M., Lee, J. Y., Davis, J. L., Cranston, C. C., Pruiksma, K. E. (2016, November). Examining the relationship between suicidal ideation and sleep: Are nightmares the key? Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.

Scholl, J.A., Micol, R.L., Youngren, W., Steward, J.M., Hancock, K., & Davis, J.L. (2016, November). Sexual violence as a public health issue: Considerations for international students. Poster session to be presented at the 32nd annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.

Steward, J.M., Micol, R.L., Shotwell Tabke, C., Hancock, K., Scholl, J.A., Davis, J.L., Newman, E. (2016, November). The use of technology for assessing sexual assault prevalence rates: A multi-method comparison. Poster session to be presented at the 32nd annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.

Youngren, W. A, Clausen, A. N, Scholl, J. A, Cranston, C. C, & Davis, J. L. (2016, June). The effect of posttraumatic growth on posttraumatic nightmare content. Presentation at the SLEEP annual meeting, Denver, CO.

Micol, R.L., Akeman, E., & Davis, J.L. (2016, April). Examining the impact of the victim-offender relationship on the time to report a sexual assault. Poster session presented at the annual Student Research Colloquium, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.


Stillman, A.N., Hancock, K. & Davis, J. Relationships between unwanted behaviors and PTSD symptomology in college students. Presentation at the 2015 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 31st annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Miller, K.E., Davis, J.L., Youngren, W. (2015, November). Treating Nightmares Among Trauma-Exposed Persons with Bipolar Disorder. Poster to be presented at the 31st annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies conference, New Orleans, LA.

Micol, R.L., Steward, J.M., Davis, J.L., & Finn, J.A.(November, 2015). Dating Violence in Sexual Minority Students. Poster to be presented at the 31st annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, LA.

Stillman, A.N., Youngren, W., Sisante, J.F.V., Billinger, S.A., Taylor, C. & Aupperle, R.L. (September, 2015). Avoiding Happiness: Combat PTSD and implicit behavioral tendencies for positive affective stimuli. Presentation at the 2015 Zarrow Mental Health Symposium 21st Annual meeting, Tulsa, OK.

Stillman, A.N., Aupperle, R.L., Sisante, J.F.V., Wilson, D.R. & Billinger, S.A. (April, 2015). Heart of a solider: Relationships between combat exposure, PTSD, autonomic regulation and cardiovascular health in veteran populations. Presentation at the 2015 Anxiety and Depression Association of America 35th annual meeting. Miami, FL.

Thelen, J., Stillman, A.N., Francisco, A. & Aupperle, R.L. Characteristics of combat veterans who follow-through with cognitive training. Presentation at the 2015 Anxiety and Depression Association of America 35th annual meeting. Miami, FL.

Youngren, W., Miller, K.E.., Scholl, J., Davis, J.L., & Cranston, C.C. (June, 2015). Emotional Regulation and Depression Symptoms: The impact on Sleep. Poster to be presented at the SLEEP annual meeting. Seattle, WA.

Youngren, W., Miller, K.E., Scholl, J., Davis, J.L.., & Cranston, C.C.. (April, 2015). Are sleep quality and nightmares related to difficulties with emotional regulation? Poster presented at the South Western Psychological Association Conference. Wichita, KS.

Micol, R.L., Miller, K. E., & Rozene-Byberg, J. L. (April, 2015). Exploring the Impact of the Time to Report Sexual Violence Victimization. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Witchita, KS.


Youngren, W., & Narayan, A. (November, 2014). Exploring the relationships between sleep quality and work outcomes. Poster session presented at Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Conference. Tulsa, OK.

Miller, K.E., Cranston, C.C., Davis, J.L., & Pruiksma, K.E. (November, 2014). The impact of childhood trauma on treatment outcomes among individuals with complex trauma histories.Poster presented at the 30th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.

Miller, K.E.,& Cromer, L.D. (November, 2014). Are disclosures of childhood traumatic events less believable than medical problems? Poster presented at the 30th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.

Cranston, C. C., Miller, K. E., Scholl, J. A. (April, 2014). Sleep Disturbance, Resilience, and the Sequelae of Trauma. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.


Cranston, C.C., Miller, K.E., Davis, J.L., Scholl, J.A., & Luke, L.V. (November, 2013). Sleep Disturbance, Resilience, and the Sequelae of Trauma. Poster presented at the 29th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Cunningham, K., Wen, F., Coon, K., Foulks-Rodriguez, K., Hays-Grudo, J., Jelley, M., & Miller-Cribbs, J. (2013, November). The Mediating Role of PTSD on Objective Diagnoses of Chronic Health Conditions in Sexual Violence Victims. Poster presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Philadelphia, PA.

Luke, L.V., Miller, K.E., Cranston, C.C., & Davis, J.L., (November, 2013). Evaluating Coping Styles in Trauma Exposed Individuals With and Without Substance-Abuse Patterns. Poster presented at the annual conference Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Micol, R.L., Cranston, C.C., & Davis, J.L. (November, 2013). From Surviving to Thriving: Predicting Treatment Outcome in Trauma-Exposed Individuals with Nightmares and Other Sleep Disturbance. Poster presented at the 29th annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Miller, K.E., Hancock, K., Cranston, C.C., Savage, R., Newman, E., & Davis, J. L. (November, 2013). Recovery as the Modal Outcome for Sexual Assault Survivors After a Brief Video Intervention. Poster presented at the 29th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Miller, K.E., Balliett, N. E., Cranston, C. C., & Davis, J. L. (November, 2013). Global versus specific locus of control as a factor contributing to resilience: Preliminary results from a treatment for posttrauma nightmares in veterans. Poster presented at the annual conference of Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK. (Poster received third place award among graduate students.)

Scholl, J.A. Swopes, R.M. & Davis, J.L. (November, 2013). Substance Abuse and Trauma in Incarcerated Women: Fostering Resilience through Integrated Treatment. Poster presented for the 29th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Scholl, J.A., Micol, R., Cranston, C. C., Hancock, K. & Davis, J. L. (November, 2013). Nightmare-related Hypnophobia: Are All Nightmares Equal? Poster presented for the 29th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Steward, J. M., Giovannelli, F., Swopes, R., Savage, R., Moore, E. A., & Davis, J. L. (November, 2013). Barriers to thriving: The role of PTSD symptoms in batterers programs. Poster presented for the 29th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

Steward, J.M., Kaier, E., Hancock, K.N., Cromer, L.D., Davis, J.L., & Strunk, K. (November, 2013). The Power of Sleep: Needs Assessment and Psychoeducational Intervention for Student Athletes. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.

Cranston, C. C., Micol, R. L., Steward, J. M., Savage, R.E., Jaffe, A., Luke, L.V, Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L., & Avant, E. M. (April, 2013). Unwanted Sexual Experiences Among College Women: Prior Vicimization and Alcohol Use. Poster presented at the 11th annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Luke, L.V, Miller, K.E. & Davis, J.L (April, 2013) Interpersonal vs. Non-interpersonal Violence: Evaluating Pre-treatment Characteristics In Individuals with Chronic Nightmares. Poster Presentation at the annual meeting of Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth Texas

Micol, R.L., Cranston, C.C., Luke, L., Savage, R.E., Steward, J.M., Davis, J., Shields, K., Tomlins, J., & Jaffe, A. (April, 2013). Risk factors and unwanted sexual experiences: A factor of the perpetrator- victim relationship. Poster presented at the 11th annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Miller, K. E., Davis, J. L., Balliett, N. E., Hancock, K. (April, 2013). Taking Control: Examining Mastery Within a Treatment for Nightmares in Veterans. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Forth Worth, TX.

Swopes, R.M., Scholl, J.A. & Davis, J.L. (April, 2013). Treating incarcerated women: Evaluating an integrated treatment for trauma effects and substance abuse. Poster presented at the annual meeting of South Western Psychological Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX.


Balliett, N. E., Miller, K. E., & Davis, J. L. (November, 2012). Treating Veterans’ Nightmares: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial. Poster presented at the 28th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Miller, K. E., Cromer, L. D. (November, 2012). Beyond gender: What else contributes to the believability of child sexual abuse disclosures? Poster presented at the 28th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Drevo, S., Miller, K. E., Craig, C., Newman, E., Davis, J. L., Bell, K., Potter, W., Sheaff, R., & Resnick, H. (November, 2012). Mitigating the effects of sexual assault: A genetic examination of treatment responders. Poster presented at the 28th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Cranston, C. C., Micol, R. L., Steward, J. M., Savage, R.E., Davis, J. L., Luke, L., Shields, K., Tomlins, J., & Jaffe, A. (November, 2012). Self-medication in a college sample: A preliminary examination of the relationships between specific posttraumatic symptoms and substances. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Cranston, C. C., Micol, R. L., Steward, J. M., Savage, R.E., Jaffe, A., Luke, L., Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L., & Avant, E. M. (November, 2012). Unwanted sexual experiences among college women: Examining the influence of prior victimization and alcohol use. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Luke, L.V., Miller, K. E., Scholl, J., Hancock, K., Steward, J. & Davis, J. L. (November, 2012). Evaluating predictors of sleep change following treatment in trauma exposed individuals with chronic nightmares. Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Convention, Oklahoma City, OK.

Micol, R.L., Cranston, C.C., Savage, R.E., Luke, L., Steward, J.M., Davis, J.L, Shields, K., Tomlins, J., & Jaffe, A. (November, 2012). Dispelling rape myths on college campuses: Implications for prevention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Micol, R.L., Cranston, C.C., Luke, L., Savage, R.E., Steward, J.M., Davis, J., Shields, K., Tomlins, J., & Jaffe, A. (November, 2012). Risk factors and unwanted sexual experiences: A factor of the perpetrator- victim relationship. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Hancock, K.N., Davis, J.L., Foley, L.J., Cranston.C.C., & Pruiksma, K.E. (November, 2012). Themes and dreams. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Scholl, J. A., Pruiksma, K. E., Cranston, C. C., & Davis, J. L. (November, 2012). Nightmare characteristics: Relation to distress and treatment response. Poster to be presented at the 46th Annual Convention of the Association for the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.

Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L, Cranston, C. C., & Anderson, J. (June, 2012). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy (ERRT) and Relaxation Training for Chronic Nightmares in Trauma-Exposed Persons: Findings at One Week Posttreatment. Poster to be presented at the 26th annual conference of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, SLEEP, Boston, MA.

Miller, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Balliett, N., Davis, J. L., et al. (April, 2012). Resilience following a nightmare treatment for veterans. Poster presented at the 10th annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Miller, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Davis, J. L., et al. (April, 2012). Brief video intervention following sexual assault: Two-week follow up. Poster presented at the 10th annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.


Swopes, R. M., Miller, K. E., Scholl, J. A., Liles, B., Newman, E., Davis, J., & Bell, K. (November 2011). Self-reported parenting changes and perceived social support following sexual assault. Poster to be presented at the 27th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.

Miller, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Swopes, R. M., Balliett, N., Siebenmorgen, M., Davis, J. L., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2011, November). Perceived social support and psychological outcome following sexual assault. Poster presented at the 27th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.

Steward, J. M., Cranston, C. C., Davis, J. L., et al. (November, 2011). Readiness to change and trauma symptoms in IPV offenders: The impact of child sexual assault. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK. **Poster won 3rd Place and $75 Prize.

Shields, K. S., Swopes, R. M., Cranston, C. C., & Davis, J. L. (March, 2011). The correlation between self-esteem and aggression in domestic violence offenders. Poster presented at the joint meeting of the 14th annual Student Research Colloquium of the University of Tulsa and the 9th annual OU/Tulsa Research Day, Tulsa, OK.

Pruiksma, K. E., Cranston, C. C., Jaffe, A. E., & Davis, J. L. (June, 2011). Fear of sleep in trauma-exposed adults with chronic nightmares. Poster to be presented at the 25th annual conference of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, SLEEP, Minneapolis, MN.

Estevis, E., Basso, M.R., & Cranston, C.C. (February, 2011). Effects of Practice on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-4th edition (WAIS-IV) Across 3- and 6-Month Intervals. Poster presented at the 39th annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.


Cranston, C.C., Jaffe, A., Pruiksma, K.E., Davis, J.L., & Avant, E.M. (November, 2010). Prior victimization, alcohol use, and the occurrence of unwanted sexual experiences among college women. Poster presented at the 26th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Balliett, N., Davis, J., Siebenmorgen, M., Bell, K. & Newman, E. (2010, November). Longitudinal rape attributions and distress among sexual assault survivors. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, Quebec.

Tomlins, J.B., Cranston, C.C., Davis, J.L., & Avant, E.M. (November, 2010). “The Red Zone”: A replicated study of the temporal risk for unwanted sex among college students. Poster presented at the 26th annual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Jaffe, A., Swopes, R. M., Davis, J. L., Simonet, D., Tett, R., Lucci, L., et al. (2010, November). Emotional intelligence and substance abuse as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder in male offenders of intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, Canada.

Lee, R., Swopes, R. M., & Davis, J. L. (2010, October). Assessment of Sexual Assault Victim Advocates. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association Student Society, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Swopes, R. M., Lee, R., & Davis, J. L. (2010, October). Characteristics of Incarcerated Women: Trauma, Substance Use, and Related Distress and Cognitions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association Student Society, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Jaffe, A., Shadlow, J., & Cranston, C.C. (October, 2010). Parenting in females exposed to intimate partner violence and childhood sexual abuse. Poster to be presented at the Kansas Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology: Translating Research into Practice, Lawrence, Kansas.

Heroux, J., Balliett, N., & Davis, J. (March, 2010). Prayer and Academic Anxiety among Undergraduate Students. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Student Research Colloquium. The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Lee, R., Davis, J. L., Swopes, R. M., & Avant, E. (2010, March). Assessment of Sexual Assault Victim Advocates. Poster presented at the 13th annual University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium, Tulsa, OK.

Swopes, R., Simonet, D., Jaffe, A., Tett, R., Moore, E., Davis, J., et al. (2010, February). PTSD, emotional intelligence, and aggression in intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the National Summit on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan: Forging a Shared Agenda, Dallas, TX.

Quick, B., Crowley, J., Reinhard, K., Craig, C., Siebenmorgen, M., Swopes, R., et al. (Under review – 2010, March). Gene markers in post-traumatic stress disorder. Poster submitted to the national meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA.


Niccum, S.E., Siebenmorgan, M., Davis, J.L., Pruiksma, K., Wiedeman, R.L., Tomlins, J.B., & Cranston, C.C. (November, 2009). Bad dreams, trauma-related nightmares and idiopathic nightmares: Comparing the prevalence of negative emotional content. Poster to be presented at Oklahoma Psychological Association, Midwest City, OK

Siebenmorgen, M., Davis, J., Swopes, R., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2009, November). Posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety: Differentiating between DSM-IV and DSM-V. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Swopes, R. M., Siebenmorgen, M., Allen, J., Davis, J. L., Newman, E., & Bell, K. (2009, November). Initial distress and psychological outcome following sexual assault: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L., Rhudy, J. L., Avant, E. M., Byrd, P. M., Cranston, C. C., & Griesenauer, D. (2009, November). Influence of PTSD and depression on sleep outcome in treatment for trauma-related nightmares. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Pruiksma, K. E., Davis, J. L., Wiedeman, R., Rhudy, J. L., Byrd, P. M., & Cranston, C. C. (2009, November). Effects of cognitive behavioral treatment of trauma-related nightmares: Patterns of change in nightmares and sleep quality. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Wiedeman, R.L., Davis, J.L., Pruiksma, K., Byrd, P., & Rhudy, J.L. (November, 2009). Sleep disturbances and self-reported health problems in trauma exposed adults. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Wiedeman, R.L., Tomlins, J.B., Davis, J.L., Ford, J.D., & Elhai, J. (November, 2009). Negative cognitions and optimism: Preparedness, readiness, and motivation among disaster responders. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.


Pennington, H., Davis, J. Rhudy, J., Ensor, K., & Byrd, P. (2008). Imagery Vividness, Reexperiencing Symptoms, and Treatment Outcome. To be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.

Davis, J., Ensor, K., Byrd, P., & Rhudy, J. (2008). Life-long versus Trauma-related Nightmares in a Treatment Seeking Sample. To be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.

Davis, J.L., Rhudy, J.L., Ensor, K.M., Byrd, P.M., Williams, A.E., McCabe, K.M., Bartley, E.J., Mattachione, E., & Wiedeman, R. (2008). Treating Nightmares in Trauma-Exposed Persons: Psychological and Physiological Outcomes from a Randomized Clinical Trial. To be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.

Davis, J.L., Rhudy, J.L., Ensor, K.M., Byrd, P.M., Williams, A.E., McCabe, K.M., Bartley, E.J., Mattachoine, E., & Wiedeman, R. (poster submitted for ISTSS 2008). Treating Nightmares in Trauma-Exposed Persons: Psychological and Physiological Outcomes from a Randomized Clinical Trial.

Davis, J. L., Pruiksma, K. E., Byrd, P. M., Rhudy, J. L., & Swopes, R. M. (2008, November).Lifelong versus trauma-related nightmares in a treatment-seeking sample. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Davis, J.L., Rhudy, J.L., Pruiksma, K.E., Byrd, P.M., Williams, A.E., McCabe, K.M., Bartley, E.J., Avant, E.M., & Wiedeman, R.L. (November, 2008). Treating nightmares in trauma-exposed persons: Psychological and physiological outcomes from a randomized clinical trial. Poster presented at the annual convention of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Hill, J., Avant, E.M., Wiedeman, R.L., & Davis, J.L. (November, 2008). Posttrauma attachment beliefs and interpersonal relationship difficulties. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.

Avant, E. M., Davis, J. L., & Elhai, J. D. (2008). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms associated with Abuse in College Relationships. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.

Langston, T., Pruiksma, K. E., Swopes, R. M., & Davis, J. L. (2008, November). Symptomatology in children and adolescents by trauma status. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.

Siebenmorgen, M.K., Davis, J.L., & Elhai, J. (2008). Personality and Coping: Developing a Predictor Model for Risk-Taking Behaviors. To be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.

Siebenmorgen, M., Davis, J., & Elhai, J. (April/November, 2008). Personality and Coping: The Relationship to Risky-taking Behavior in Trauma-exposed Individuals. Poster presented at the annual Oklahoma Psychological Society Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. To be presented at the Annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Chicago, IL.

Siebenmorgen, M., Swopes, R. M., Allen, J., & Davis, J. L. (2008, November). The relationship between initial anxiety and posttraumatic stress: A prospective study with survivors of sexual assault. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Tulsa, OK.

Wiedeman, R.L., Davis, J.L., Ford, J., & Elhai, J. (August, 2008). Why training matters: Motivation, preparedness, and readiness of disaster responders. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Wiedeman, R., Davis, J.L., & Elhai, J. (2008). Why experience matters: Motivation, preparedness and readiness of disaster mental health responders. To be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.

Wiedeman, R. L., Davis, J., Ford, J., & Elhai, J. (2008). Why training matters: Relationship between disaster mental health training and motivation, preparedness, and readiness for future disaster mental health deployments. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Boston, MA.


Mattachione, E. M., Davis, J. L., Burch, J. A., & Metcalf, M. A. (2007). Posttraumatic stress symptoms as predictors of substance use. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.

Mattachione, E. M
., & Davis, J. L. (2007). Sexual experiences of college students and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.

Byrd, P.M., Ensor, K.M., Davis, J.L. (2007). Anger and sexual risk taking behaviors. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.

Davis, J., Byrd, P., & Wright, D.C. (February, 2007). Treating trauma-related nightmares: A randomized clinical trial. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual National Symposium on Combat Stress Injuries, Tallahassee, FL.

Ensor, K.M., Davis, J.L., Pennington, H.E., Elder, M., Byrd, P.M., Wright, D.C. (2007). Outcome in a cognitive behavioral treatment for chronic trauma-related nightmares. Poster presented at Annual International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.


Byrd, P.M., Burch, J., Davis, J.L., Steel, M., Wright, D.C., & Elhai, J. (November, 2006). Childhood assaults and revictimization in adulthood: Possible risk factors for PTSD and depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Hollywood, CA.

Byrd, P.M., Davis, J.L. (July, 2006). Trauma, PTSD, interpersonal relationships, and predictors of violent behavior among female inmates.

Byrd, P.M., Romeo, D., & Elder, M., Davis, J.L.(2006). Characteristics of Chronic Nightmares within an Undergraduate Trauma-Exposed Sample. Characteristics of Nightmares within an Undergraduate Trauma-Exposed Sample. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies.

Ensor, K.M., Davis, J.L., Byrd, P.M., & Mattachione, E. (November, 2006). Factors associated with treatment dropout from a cognitive behavioral treatment for chronic nightmares of trauma exposed individuals. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Wiedeman, R.L., Siebenmorgen, M., Michael, C., Tiegreen, J., & Combs, D. (November, 2006). Attributions in paranoia: An examination of the Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire (AIHQ) in clinical and nonclinical samples. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PN.

Njus, D. M., Bane, C., Barnes, S., Bingner, J., Schmidt, T., & Wiedeman, R. L. (May, 2006). Republicans, Democrats, and financial assistance for those in need. Poster presented at the 78th annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wiedeman, R.L. (April, 2006). The relationship between demographic factors and acceptance of homosexuality among a community and college sample. Poster presented at the 13th annual University of Northern Iowa College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, Cedar Falls, IA.

Panels, Pre-meeting Institutes, and Workshops

Pruiksma, K.E., Micol, R.L., Taylor, D., & Davis, J.L. (2016, November). Behavioral sleep medicine interventions for trauma-related sleep disturbances: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia and Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy for Chronic Nightmares. Full day Pre-meeting Institute (PMI) presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.

Davis, J.L., Micol, R.L., & Scholl, J. (2015, August). Sleep strong: Helping your client take charge of trauma related nightmares. Continuing education (CE) workshop presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Davis, J. L., & Miller, K. E. (January, 2014). Treating trauma: What works and what doesn’t? Invited presentation to California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare, San Diego, CA.

Davis, J.L.,Cromer, L.D. & Scholl, J. (January, 2014). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Trauma Related Nightmares in Children and Adult Populations. Parkside Psychiatric Hospital, Tulsa, OK.

Davis, J.L.,& Scholl, J. (October, 2013). Understanding trauma: Clinical considerations. Oklahoma State University Grand Rounds, Tulsa, OK.

Newman, E., Davis, J. L., & Miller, K. E. (September, 2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder primer: The basics of PTSD assessment and conceptualization. Workshop presented as part of Oklahoma Community Readiness Training for Military Trauma, Tulsa, OK.

Davis, J.L., Miller, K. E., & Balliett, N.E. (2012). Sweet Dreams: Treating Sleep Problems in Veterans. Presentation to Lutheran Veterans Initiative, Tulsa, OK.

Davis, J.L. & Byrd, P.M. (November 2006). Treating chronic nightmares in trauma-exposed persons. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Hollywood, CA.

Davis, J.L., Byrd, P.M., Tracy, V.L. (November, 2006). Sweet dreams: A cognitive behavioral approach to treating trauma-related nightmares. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, TX