Site Theme
Themes control the look and appearance of your site. Every site is created with the default theme (CampusPress Flex).
Site Stats & Analytics
Site Stats tell you how many visitors your site gets and what pages are most popular. Enable the Jetpack plugin and let it do all the work.
Editing Your Site Content
Creating New Pages & Editing Existing Pages
Pages make up the majority of most sites. Creating and editing pages have a lot in common.
Using the Block Editor
Modern WordPress editor is the Block Editor. Also known as Gutenberg, uses block-based modules to create layout and content within a page.
Adding or Editing Media
Media includes pictures and videos that are on a page.
Adding Users
When you set up a site you have the ability to add users to help you manage your site.
Changing Site Privacy
Site visibility controls who can and can’t view your site.
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