The Indoor Air Program, under the direction of Dr. Richard Shaughnessy, offers highly interactive training courses taught by the country’s leading experts in their respective fields.

Training courses are held in various locations throughout the United States. These courses are geared for public officials, private consultants, school administrators and facility managers, building managers/ operators, architects, medical professors, legal counsel and academia wishing to learn more about indoor air quality (IAQ) issues.

Continuing Education credits are offered via The University of Tulsa, Department of Continuing Engineering and Science Education at 918-631-3003. Additionally, Certification Maintenance Units (CMU’s) from the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and Continuance of Certification Points from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals have been approved for these courses.

The program offers co-sponsorship for associations and corporations, allowing members/ employees discounted rates to attend and can customize course content for individual companies, health care practitioners and government organizations.