Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice
An Interdisciplinary Institute at The University of Tulsa
Dr. Lisa Cromer, Executive Director of TITAN
Lorton Hall, Room 206

TITAN promotes social justice and reduces trauma and adversity through interdisciplinary research, education and service.
About Us
We envision a safe, just world where people and communities readily overcome trauma. TITAN is a place where scholars and community members connect over their shared interest in helping people thrive in the face of trauma and adversity. Our values of compassion, dignity, and civic engagement lay a foundation upon which TITAN cultivates high quality and meaningful solutions to social problems and empowerment through collaborative research. The goal of this institute is to foster an environment of shared learning and develop a multifaceted understanding of the challenges facing our community. Our interdisciplinary approach and flexibility mean that participants bring individual expertise to share with a wider audience, bridging the gaps between projects and disciplines, to help everyone gain new perspectives and insight.