With funding from the Norwegian Research Council,  Dr. Newman collaborated on creating the first doctoral Journalism Safety course designed to educate doctoral researchers in the analytical and practical tools needed to investigate, understand, and improve journalists’ safety in an ever-evolving, transnational landscape of political, psychological, organizational, digital and physical insecurity.

The class consists of students, faculty, and professional experts from Brazil, Norway, South Africa and the United States. Each year 3 doctoral Students from TU (Cybersecurity, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, and Clinical Psychology)  and 3 from each of the other schools participate in a course consisting of online seminars, a 8-10 day trip to Norway for in-person learning and present at a UNESCO conference in early November.

The course requires dividing into ongoing cross national student research teams with mentors from various countries for the research project. The research project is expected to be a publishable quality paper or presentation. This course is funded through AY2024 and Newman currently teaches it as an overload class.