There has been a question as to the paleoecological reconstruction in the Southern Levant during the Bronze Age throughout the Byzantine Period. We have been studying the environmental changes using micromammal as a proxy.

Current Research and Collaborations

Past Research

For this project we have been studying:

  • Tel es-Safi in collaboration with Haskel Greenfield, University of Manitoba.
  • Huqoq in collaboration with Jodi Magness, UNC Chapel Hill.
  • Bethsaida in collaboration with Rami Arav, University of Nebraska, Omaha. The University of Tulsa is a member of the Bethsaida Archaeology consortium.


  • Brown, A.B., and Belmaker, M., (2015). Evidence for climate change during the 3rd-5th century CE: The micromammal evidence from Tel Huqoq, Israel. Paper submitted to the 80th Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. San Francisco, CA.