Combat climate change, mitigate its impacts, and build resilience to the effects of a changing climate

This goal emphasizes the critical importance of addressing climate change as a fundamental global challenge. Achieving this goal is essential for safeguarding the planet, protecting vulnerable communities, and ensuring a sustainable future for current and future generations. Climate action is not only a moral imperative but also a pathway to achieving many other sustainable development goals, as climate change has far-reaching impacts on issues such as poverty, health, food security, and economic stability.

The University of Tulsa aims to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 13 in several ways:

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Implement sustainability initiatives on campus to reduce the university’s carbon footprint. This can include energy efficiency projects, renewable energy, and waste reduction programs.
  • Green Campus Practices: Adopt sustainable practices in campus operations, such as reducing energy and water consumption, promoting recycling and composting, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Climate Education and Research: Offer academic programs, courses, and research opportunities related to climate change, environmental science, and sustainable technologies to educate and empower students to address climate issues.

  • Sustainable Transportation: Promote sustainable transportation options for students and staff, such as biking, walking, carpooling, and public transportation, to reduce emissions associated with commuting.
  • Student-Led Initiatives: Support student-led climate action initiatives, clubs, and organizations that promote climate awareness and sustainability practices on campus and in the broader community.
  • Advocacy and Partnerships: Advocate for climate action and collaborate with local, state, and national governments, as well as industry partners, to support policies and practices that mitigate climate change.
  • Carbon Offsetting: Explore carbon offset programs or invest in local environmental projects to balance the university’s carbon emissions.
  • Public Engagement: Engage with the local community to raise awareness about climate change issues and collaborate on climate-related projects and initiatives.
  • Green Building Design: Incorporate sustainable and energy-efficient building design principles in new construction and renovation projects on campus.

By taking these actions, TU contributes to SDG 13 by reducing its carbon footprint, raising awareness about climate change, and preparing students to be informed and active participants in addressing climate-related challenges. Additionally, TU’s efforts can serve as a model for sustainable practices that can be adopted by other educational institutions and communities, contributing to broader climate action initiatives

SDG 13 Targets

Inform and support local or regional government on issues associated with climate change

Offer educational programs or campaigns on climate change

Develop and share university climate action plan with local government and community groups



Total Scholars


Total Publications
