Pursuing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls for a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world.

This goal aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against women and girls, emphasizing the importance of equal participation in all aspects of life. It underscores the need to ensure women’s rights, foster economic empowerment, support girls’ education, and promote the active engagement of women in decision-making processes, both at home and on the global stage.

The University of Tulsa works towards contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 5 in various ways:

  • Gender-Inclusive Education: Promote gender equality through its educational programs by ensuring that all students have equal access to quality education and encouraging women’s participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields and traditionally male-dominated disciplines.
  • Women’s Leadership and Empowerment: Provide opportunities for women’s leadership and empowerment through student organizations, mentoring programs, and leadership development initiatives.
  • Gender-Responsive Policies: Implement gender-responsive policies and practices within the university, including fair hiring and promotion practices, and policies that prevent gender-based discrimination and harassment.
  • Gender Studies Programs: Offer academic programs and courses related to gender studies and women’s issues, fostering critical thinking and discussions around gender equality.
  • Support Services: Provide support services for women and gender-diverse students, including counseling, health services, and resources for survivors of gender-based violence.
  • Promoting Gender Diversity: Encourage gender diversity among faculty and staff, ensuring equitable representation in decision-making roles.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: Raise awareness about gender equality and advocate for women’s rights through workshops, seminars, conferences, and public awareness campaigns.
  • Research on Gender Issues: Conduct research on gender-related issues, including studies on gender disparities, violence against women, and women’s contributions to society.
  • Gender-Equal Facilities: Ensure that campus facilities and resources are accessible and safe for all genders, including gender-neutral restrooms and inclusive housing options.

TU contributes to the advancement of gender equality not only within its campus community but also by fostering a culture of respect and equity that extends to the broader society. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also a critical factor in achieving sustainable development, as it positively impacts social, economic, and political progress.

SDG 5 Targets

Enroll at least 80 First-Generation Female students


Implement Title IX to prohibit sex-based discrimination in the university’s educational programs and activities


Graduate at least 50% of female students in 4 years




Total Scholars


Total Publications
