The following forms are intended for TITAN members who wish to start a project with TITAN.

TITAN Project Proposal Form (Word Document Download)

This form is to be completed by the student prior to the start of the research project to determine if the proposed project fits within TITAN. The form will be submitted to the co-directors with the supervising faculty member’s signature for approval as a TITAN project.

TITAN Poster Template (PDF Document Download)

This template is to be used by a student or co-director, who is presenting a poster using TITAN data.

Project Decision Tree (Word Document Download)

Students wishing to submit a research project to be considered as a TITAN project should consult the Project Decision Tree form in addition to completing the TITAN Project Proposal Form.

Research Assistant Agreement (Word Document Download)

This form is to be completed by all student researchers and other research assistants working on any TITAN project. It is the responsibility of the Lead student to submit forms signed by each student researcher and the faculty supervisor.

Agreement For Use of TITAN Data (PDF Document Download)

This form is to be completed prior to the start of a research project pursuing a data sharing design or in any other instance where data collected by TITAN is going to be given to any other individual or entity. This form may be completed with all required signatures and approved by the co-directors before any research data is transferred out of TITAN possession.

Poster/Paper Submission Proposal Form (PDF Document Download)

This form is to be completed prior to submission of research data obtained as part of a TITAN project to any conference or meeting. The timeline must have an approval signature of the supervising faculty member before being submitted for consideration.
